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Patient Information

What to Expect Your First Visit

Expect your first visit to take 1 to 3 hours. This includes time for patient registration, visual screening tests by an ophthalmic technician, dilation of the pupils, testing, examination by the physician and treatment if needed. We strongly encourage you to bring a driver, as your eyes will be dilated. It is also helpful to have someone with you, as there may be a lot of information to absorb on the first visit.
What should I bring with me?
  • Identification
  • Insurance information
  • List of medications (Including all eye drops and vitamins)
  • Insurance referrals if applicable
  • Any information from the physician who referred you
  • Completed patient forms, available below
  • Sunglasses
  • A driver
To expedite your office visit please fill out all patient forms at home and bring them to your visit. For directions to our office click here.

Patient Forms


New Patient Forms


3 month followup

Testimonial Submission

Have you a had a positive experience as a patient with us? We’d love to hear about it.

    Interested in learning more about what we do?

    Are you looking for a place to start? Watch this “What is a Retina Specialist?” video for a brief overview. Then visit our resources page for a cultivated selection of materials to help you learn more about what we do, conditions we treat, and procedures we perform.

    Service Animals Welcome

    Service animals play an important role in ensuring the independence of people with disabilities, and it is therefore our policy to welcome into our facility any animal that is individually trained to assist a person with a disability.
    The Retina Associates of Michigan also takes very seriously its obligation to all patients to provide a sterile and uncontaminated environment that minimizes the risk of infection.
    In order to balance the above stated goals, The Retina Associates of Michigan has a specific policy relating to Service Animals. If you wish to be accompanied by a Service Animal, please let a staff member know so that they can provide you a copy of the policy and further assist you.

    Our office has access to a virtual interpreter for American sign language and many foreign languages.